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Friday, January 4, 2013

Book Challenge #1: Unglued

I love fiction books. They're like candy for my brain. Non-fiction titles? They're basically a plate of plain, raw broccoli to me. Definitely not my favorite thing in the world. But I decided this year, I need to get off the candy and start consuming more things that will nourish my brain, challenge my soul, and help to make a better me. Plus, I have a TON of non-fiction books sitting on my desk and I feel intense guilt each time I look at them. It's like they know that I don't like them as much as my fiction works.

So they stare at me.

And stare.

And stare some more.

I've had it.

This year, I've set a goal to read a minimum of one non-fiction book a month and then give the book away when I'm done. I looked through the stack on my desk and picked up Lysa TerKeurst's Unglued – Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions. It was the perfect book. Definitely not a plate of broccoli in any shape or form.

Lysa's book touches on the raw emotions we women battle, how we handle them, and how we should handle them. Her chapter on jealousy really stood out to me...

as did this part about the lies we believe about ourselves...

Unglued is one of those books that came at the right time. If you want to check out Unglued – Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions a little more, click here. You can even read the first two chapters here. By the way, I'm not being compensated for telling you about this. It's just a great book that I discovered and want to pass along if it will help.

I mentioned that I was planning to give my "challenge" book away when I'm done with it. All you need to do is leave a comment saying "winner, winner, chicken dinner," "I want this book," "Erin, you're so beautiful," "I believe in unicorns," or anything fabulous that you'd like to write in that spot. Make sure to leave your name in the comment. I'm going to randomly choose a winner so I can't be accused of picking the person who tells me I'm fabulous. Entries close Sunday, January 6th, 2013, at 11:59PM. I'll post the winner on Monday, January 7th, by noon est! 

By the way, I can guarantee 3 things when you receive Unglued:

1. It will be dog-eared.
2. It will have underlined passages in purple gel pen.
3. There will NOT be any boogies in it - unlike library books.

You are now free to make your comments. 

- Erin


  1. Commenting :) Loving her Crave devotional currently!

  2. Heard great things about this book! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Here's your wonderful comment!

    Faith Moultrup

  5. Would love to read. Might help with my emotional eating. Marlene.

  6. [Insert creative comment here] Jessica :)

  7. Had a great comment and then it didn't let me publish it :( Oh well, great idea, Erin.

    Kimberly Lohrfink

  8. I NEED this book. If having two kids 13 months apart and under 5 doesn't make you come unglued some days, nothing will...
    Ginger Sampson

  9. What a great goal to be intentional about reading non-fiction! I too love chick-lit and have also started trying to mix things up a bit. Another great title is: When People are Big and God is Small. A non-Christian/non-religious book I just finished and really enjoyed was 'My Year with Eleanor'. It reminded me of Julie & Julia, except it was a memoir about how she did something that she was afraid of every day. Her inspiration came from Eleanor Roosevelt.

  10. I would love to read this book... need the message to keep me on track finding a job after 15 months of no work. Maggie Mumma

  11. Winner, winner chicken dinner!!! :-) I have decided to take the same challenge this year and this book would be great to add to my list ;-)

    Lisa L.

  12. winner, winner, chicken dinner, you fabulous woman you :)

    Sounds like a great book and one that would definitely be appreciated over here!

    ~ Danielle

  13. Okay, I did not know about the boogies in library books - never really thought about it... until now! Guess I'll be reading them with gloves from now on, that's just nasty!

  14. Erin, you are an amazingly fabulous woman. But don't pick me, I have already read it. I'm proud of you for this new book move, you'll love it!! Last year my goal was to read one book a month and I had to force myself to read one novel, as fiction is not my thing! :) You can check out my list of books and reviews on my blog, maybe you'll find something you like there, too. Keep up the reading and amazing blogging!!

  15. Hi Erin, I think that is great that you are doing a personal book challenge. I am taking part in a 100 Book Challenge for 2013. I love to read and don't get a lot reading time because life gets in the way but by doing this it is a great way to encourage myself to read more. I just finished A Time to Embrace by Karen Kingsbury (book 2 of Timeless Love Series) WOW what a powerful story of how leaning on God will get you through anything.



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